Let your life speak.
“Be honest with yourself. What unpalatable truths might you be evading? When you recognise your shortcomings, do not let that discourage you. In worship together we can find the assurance of God’s love and the strength to go on with renewed courage.” Britain Yearly Meetingg Advices 11
Test post 2
“Is every aspect of your life open to the transforming power of God? What stands in the way?” New England Yearly Meeting Queries #4
Take heed, dear Friends, to the promptings of love and truth in your hearts. Seek to live in affection as true Friends in your meetings, in your families, in all your dealings with others, and in your relationship with outward society. New England Yearly Meeting Advices #1
“Are love and unity fostered among us? If differences arise, do we endeavor to reconcile them in a spirit of love and truth? Are we careful not to manipulate and exploit one another? Do we avoid talebearing, and are we careful of the reputation of others?” - New York Yearly Meeting Query #4 #quaker
Do not fear periods of doubt and questions; they may lead to openings. New England Yearly Meeting #3
Seek to lead others to Truth through love. Let us teach by being ourselves teachable. We are all humble learners in the school of Christ. New England Yearly Meeting #2
Take heed, dear Friends, to the promptings of love and truth in your hearts. Seek to live in affection as true Friends in your meetings, in your families, in all your dealing with others, and in your relationship with outward society. New England Yearly Meeting #1